I am Ambivalence
A few not-quite-poetry verses to sum up ambivalence.
Stocks have raged 80% since the lows;
The market is never wrong so I should buy;
Should I hedge that position or go all the way long?;
Do that.
Silver and gold are real money;
Always have been and always will be;
Get physical or keep paper shares?:
I am worried about retirement;
Everything is so volatile;
What can I do to protect what I have?;
Wear a cup.
The Republicans won the election;
Only 48% of voters are happy about a GOP majority;
Why isn't anyone excited about this?;
I missed the question.
QE adds no new money to the system;
Commodities were flying until margin increases;
If there is no new money, why is this happening?;
If it is best to be contrarian;
But a contrarian will know the contrarian view;
Is it better to be the second contrarian in the chain?;
6th would be best.
The I-phone rules;
The I-pad is genius;
Apple is god?;
The dinosaurs are extinct, killed by a huge meteorite.
I have doubts;
I have fears;
Will it always be this way?;
Friday Night Entertainment
Ok! After that it may prove difficult to salvage a post, but here goes.
Quantitative Easing Cartoon
This was making the rounds and these things crack me up to no end. Enjoy this one, it is a classic:
"What is 'The Deflation'? Its not two funny it's three funny.
Pump and Dump
This could be a news story, but I find it more in the realm of comedy. As Kid Dynamite likes to say "Sold to you, SUCKA!":
David Tepper Dumps 20% Of Financial Holdings During Quarter Of Infamous CNBC Speech
So fitting.
Robotic Sponge Baths?
Submitted without comment:
A Sponge-Bathing Robot
Nothing is sacred.
Comic Relief
Turn that frown upside down!
From FailBlog, maybe the best (worst?) ever:
see more funny videos
So true:
see more Very Demotivational
Film Clips
A few movies you may have seen or not but should.
Not too many Stephen King novels translate well to film, but "The Dead Zone" certainly did. Big scene:
You can catch a young Jason Gedrick in the touching film "The Heavenly Kid":
I have always loved this film.
Rock Blogging
Even in bad times, rock and roll is good. That is good for something.
Watchtower, the longest running reader of Economic Disconnect was interested in Journey's song "The Party's Over" so it leads off the show:
I think I heard this song one time before. Not bad.
Scharfy noted a neat Johnny Cash tribute that you can check out here. I wanted to run a Cash clip, so let's go with "Sunday Morning Coming Down":
I love that one.
From the film mentioned above, enjoy "Out on the Edge" by Jon Fiore:
Not bad.
Pardon the dark selection, but "Down in a Hole" is a great one by Alice in Chains:
I have had this up before, but I was in the mood for The Cranberries and their heavy duty tune "Zombie":
Nasty good.
Last two for the night. What's on tap?
Found a sick as all get out live video of No Doubt and "Don't Speak" that is well worth the time:
Last call.
Look, it's my blog and I am sorry to replay but the writer was going to watch "Streets of Fire" in a bit so you get "Tonight is What it Means to be Young". Sorry:
Have a good night.
A robot giving a sponge bath?
What's next?
Who knows, but you have ben warned!
"Who knows, but you have ben warned!"
This is true!
When I first seen the "sponge" comment I immediatly thought of Austin Power's encounter with the 'Fembots'.
And as we all know, they turned on him.
Austin Powers obviously did not get the Economic Disconnect memo!
Hey, GYSC, I didn't watch the fight last night, wasn't willing to pay $55. But I read about it this morning. Apparently Pacquiao beat the living hell out of Margarito. Won every round, pummelled him into a bloody mess, sent him to the hospital.
I'll probably watch it on HBO when they show it in a week or two. But, wow, it sounds like it was one hell of a fight.
The Twilight moms are probably just part of the pr campaign.
Bernays' first book Propaganda, spells it out, generating as much ballyhoo as possible is the first step to communicating your idea to the mobs of clamoring morons.
And Lord know that series has a good pr team. For a while everywhere you looked Edward was there in one form or another.
I and my father served under General Patton, I have to say it's been much improved since we saw it back in June, Europe in fourth quarter, Asia in 2008. We were surprised to see it come to fruition -- perhaps even before the next CES.
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