It will be the maiden voyage of my new fishing kayak tomorrow. If I do not post something by 7pm tomorrow maybe something went very wrong! Wish me luck!
I am now officially on a 4 day mini vacation. There was plenty of important things going on today in the financial world, but I am already half way out the door on that mindset! A few links, thoughts, and a special exclusive interview will be the content tonight. As always, Friday night is in full effect so get your requests in and if I do not drown I will have the big show up tomorrow night.
Best of the BestI think I have had my fill of debating small details and following daily gyrations of most things. At this point I am confident in my macro views going forward and all evidence and data supports my view, in my own mind of course! Going forward I would like to spend more time and more pixels writing larger essays instead of snippets and small items of news. I used to do this almost exclusively but time constraints became an issue. We shall see how it goes.
As such, tonight I will feature some more thought provoking essays I came across that will serve as the kind of writing I think is most important to being able to really make your own decisions on things going forward.
Back when I just was out of college and started working I was a political junkie. I loved the stuff. After a bit I saw all the crap that it all really was and lost interest. A fellow I used to read quite a bit for his great sense of balance and truthful speaking was
Charles Hugh Smith. As of late I re-discovered his work and lucky for me he has now devoted more and more of his time to things economic. Tonight I offer without excerpt:
The Root of the Housing Bubble Remains UnchangedWhen I read this today I felt it was like a huge clue bat to swing at the never ending garbage calls of a "rebounding housing market". Mr. Smith now has a spot on the blogroll, so don't miss him!
Dr. Housing Bubble has also been on fire as of late and returns to the Must Read column. Nobody does housing number breakdown and original research like the Doctor. Nobody. As we enter into the next dip in real estate, his work will become very important. Today's missive is on the ginormous volume of home sales the FHA has to handle to keep things from falling apart.
See it here.
No stranger making an appearance here,
Jesse has yet another great article covering the money supply and all that entails.
Take a look.
Other TidbitsThe blog everyone loves to hate,
Zero Hedge, has all kinds of items up tonight so just keep scrolling.
I had to share this one! I almost laughed the soda out of my nose this morning when I read this one.
Barry Ritholtz of
The Big Picture was ill yesterday into today, probably from a little food poisoning. We have all had it, it is not fun. The comments section provided the kind of nasty, hilarious humor that is bad taste, but you cannot help but fall apart laughing.
Barry wrote:
I seemed to have eaten something yesterday — breakfast and lunch from the same deli — that caused quite a bit of intestinal distress. I thought I might actually go to the hospital last night to check for Appendicitis.
Flushed out my system with lots of liquids instead.
A few comments down came this one:
NolansDad Says:
May 27th, 2010 at 9:46 am
Barry. These things happen all the time. The guy who made your sandwich probably just got a little chit on his hand when he was wiping his ass and didn’t wash his hands. He than wiped the chit by accident on your sandwich. What you have to be careful about are tapeworms because many illegals have worms and pass it to coworkers. Now if it was a lady who made your sandwich she may have
been bloody and wiped herself and you picked a bacteria. Either way I would make sure to get my hands on the tapeworm pill. No charge for the free advice. You are on my team and I am looking out for you.
OMG, that was so bad but too funny.
Economic Disconnect Special Exclusive InterviewAt a time when so much seems to be so confusing I thought I would seek out a voice of calm and advice. I was granted an interview under the following conditions:
-Quite a few pictures would be shown
-The interview would not interfere with bedtime
-The guest did not have to leave the couch
-A milkbone would be provided as compensation, and not the really small ones
I agreed to all terms and so here is our special guest for the evening, my Pug.
GYSC: Welcome Pug!
Pug: Hello, and hello to all the readers. Let's do this, "
Milo and Otis" is on at 9pm.
GYSC: Again? Ok, lets start.
Pug: Yes, Lets.
GYSC: A major concern right now is that the debt problems of some Eurozone nations will cause the breakup of the Euro currency and result in chaos in the world. What is your take?
Pug: It will not happen.
GYSC: Care to elaborate?
Pug: I guess, it's your milkbone. It will not happen because it
CANNOT happen. You get me?
GYSC: Not really, can you help me out?
Pug: Oh boy. Ok, if the Euro splintered what would happen? A total madhouse for a while, yes? So it will not happen and any effort needed in that regard will be performed.
GYSC: What if things really get bad in Spain and ....
Pug: Let me stop you right there. All the major US banks are insolvent by any reasonable measure, correct?
GYSC: I guess so...
Pug: Well, you can guess, but I can talk so they are. So what has happened?
GYSC: They are all open and getting record bonuses.
Pug: I have to lay down for this one, it's going to bend your mind:

Pug: Nothing has happened because
IT CANNOT HAPPEN. You understand? In any system built on confidence and notional values of things as important as money and debt, keeping the game going is not that hard when you get down to it. I mean, who wants the stone age? Who wants a lowered living standard? Who wants to miss their DVR? The whole show is set up this way. Another example because I can tell you are not quite there. With all the crazy forex moves up and down as well as bond spreads moving in ways rarely seen how come not one hedge fund has blown up?
GYSC: That's a good question.
Pug: Yeah, Ya think? With an 80% rally off the lows are you to think not one fund was way off on that and blew up? Maybe a few baby ones, but not one with any connections. Systemic Risk prevention is like that. Wonder why all those reserves are just sitting at the banks? Maybe they are spoken for.
GYSC: I never thought about that way, nifty.
Pug: Yeah, I know. What else.
GYSC: Please do not do that.
Pug: Do what?
GYSC: Sit like that, it looks almost like you are a person and it is creepy.

Pug: Look, sitting like this helps my lower back. Are we going to continue?
GYSC: I guess. What do you make of the action this week?
Pug: I saw no action that you had.
GYSC: I meant the markets, smartass.
Pug: My bad. Well it is a sign of a solid market when some rumor that China wants to "re-evaluate" their Euro bond position causes a sell off , but when they say they are not doing that it, it ignites a huge rally. Markets move up and down 3% daily all the time.
GYSC: Come on, this is supposed to be a serious interview.
Pug: Yes, and you think your hair is serious, HAHAHA! Sorry could not help it. Ok, when everyone knows the game is up all want to hit the exit first, hence the overreaction to things both silly and maybe true. Of course nobody wants to miss a move up, so they cannot stay away.
GYSC: Some would call this a "stock pickers" market, what's your take?
Pug: It's a donkey market. You should write a fake headline on a popular blog comment thread with a fake headline like: "China says no more US bonds; Commies hate Capitalists as well as the Socialist USA!". See if you get a move in the futures.
GYSC: Are you serious?
Pug: Try it. Look leave a paper out on the garage floor instead of the doggy pad, when I pee during the day on the markets section just buy those stocks. Especially for Mondays and Fridays.
GYSC: You are indeed cynical.
Pug: It's called realistic. Anything else? I am getting bored.
GYSC: Ok. A never ending debate is between the outcomes of inflation, hyper or regular, or deflation, regular or extra sugar, HA!
Pug: Was that a joke?
GYSC: A small attempt.
Pug: Yes, very little. To be honest I just do not think about those things.
GYSC: Why not?
Pug: Look, I live what, 12-16 years? How much have biscuits changed in price in that time? Maybe in Zimbabwe, but here its not an issue. I have heard the tales from my super-great-grandfather that a box of biscuits in 1918 cost 1 cent. Today it is $4.99. So what? Who lives that long?
GYSC: Now how could you know your super-great-grandfather?
Pug: It is passed through our genes like stories. You dummy humans need cave paintings, hieroglyphs, and books to record history, us pugs just know.
GYSC: Well assume you did live longer.
Pug: Explain both to me in terms I can understand.
GYSC: In inflation the price of biscuits goes up so fast that an income, say MY INCOME, cannot keep pace and thus I cannot buy them.
Pug: WHAT????
GYSC: Oh, now you perk up?
Pug: Well that's nuts, tell me about deflation.
GYSC: In deflation things get way cheaper...
Pug: Praise be the god of dogs....I am SAVED!
GYSC: Let me finish! In deflation things get way cheaper, but MY INCOME gets smaller and all my assets shrink....why are you chuckling?
Pug: Your ass shrink? Not since you stopped hitting the boxing bags buddy!
GYSC: OK Mr. Smarty Man, let me finish. In deflation things get way cheaper, but MY INCOME gets smaller and all my assets shrink so I cannot spare any money for things like dog biscuits.
Pug: I'm sorry, what's the difference?
GYSC: Semantics I guess, plus some think if they buy certain things if either happens they can be safe.
Pug: Well it sounds the same to me. Terrifying!
Pug: Can't you just stockpile biscuits now while you have money? What about those shiny metal things I always see you counting and polishing?
GYSC: Down low Pug, Down low! I could, but I think we are ok for a bit.
Pug: So you say. It bed time. Can I ask a question?
GYSC: Why not? Go ahead.
Pug: Is it true that you and my human mother are going to get another pug to usurp my authority here at my castle?
GYSC: Well, we may get another pug, but....
Pug: Be careful on the stairs usurper!
GYSC: Hey, come back, lets talk about this!
NOTE: The opinions of the Pug are his own, but may reflect some of mine, his human mom's, and various other voices. This post was inspired by a doggie related post over at
Kid Dynamite's site.
Have a good night.