Caution is Advised
Last night I featured charts for silver and oil. Both confirmed today with another move down. The gravestone doji for USO is very pronounced. The air is coming out of the monster October rally.
This could be yet another in a long line of fake and bakes to strip market players of their money. It's a mess. As such even the crew at Fusion are taking some exposure off:
Ritholtz - Jettisoning QQQs and Small Cap Growth
Josh Brown explains it's not a run for the exits, but a bit of caution is here after the technicals have soured quite a bit:
Media: Lightening Up as Technicals Get Mushy
This makes sense. Unless you can be right in front of your trading station, this market is very tough to be in unless your time horizon is long and you are comfortable with your portfolio. My long term accounts are fine, no complaints (not killing it by any means trust me) but I am keeping way back in trading account. It's just that tough.
F is for Friday and It's Good Enough for Me
It's time to relax and have some fun going into the weekend.
Water, Liquid Water on Jupiter's Moon Europa
Now this is not exactly news, but the information coming in is getting very strong that liquid water is beneath the ices of the Jovian moon Europa:
New Evidence for Liquid Water on Europa
It has long been thought that water is THE key for life away from Earth. Of course this assumes all life will be like life here, but it's a strong argument. Very exciting news, lets get some more spacecraft up there and check it out!
Fun with Safe for Work Pictures
As fun as it can be I guess.
Umm, the sign is all the same word for the ESPN red letters:

see more This is Photobomb

see more Very Demotivational
Film Clips
Save NFLX and get a movie!
Ok, so not a movie but The Highlander series episode "End of Innocence" is a complex and deep presentation. In this clip from the 1:30 mark on, there is a wonderful exchange between MacLeod and Haresh Clay. I love the part at 2:50 as Clay talks about his now dead friend of 900 years:
Speaking of Europa, I have had the next clip up before but it's fitting. In the sequel 2010: The Year We Make Contact this scene shows Dave Bowman coming back to warn about the coming Jupiter event that will cause a new sun to rise and give life to the moon.....Europa!! The words "I understand. Look behind you" are chilling. Sorry for poor audio:
Rock Blogging
The most fun you can have with your clothes on since 2007.
Well it's Friday so lets lead of with The Cure and, well, "Friday I'm in Love":
I do love Fridays.
I am stealing this one from my friend Jake of EconomPic. Moody, tough song by AWOLNation, "Sail":
That's not bad at all.
EPIC FIND! By now all must know I think the song "Sleeping Sun" by Nightwish may be the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. It's hard to get into my head like this song has. I found a great guitar follow cover on YouTube you have to hear. Skip to 2:02 mark to end, this is just amazing:
I will roll that all night.
How about an old school clip of The Go-Go's and "We Got the Beat"?:
Ok, two left!
Always loved Metallica's cover of "Whiskey in the Jar":
Last song, grab a drink and call your baby!:
Close the show with "Still of the Night" by Whitesnake:
Have a good night.
Love The Cure! Listened to a lot of it while writing my first book.
Great line-up. You should be a DJ if you ever get tired of being a scientist.
I can spin records at weddings and such! Great idea!
As a biologist (my first degree), the definition of life is as follows:
Metabolize energy.
In order to do that, a living thing must have some form of food, water and air. Maybe it's made of different elements on the other side of the galaxy, but the laws of chemistry are believed to be universal.
Water, H2O, is condsidered the universal solvent, because it is both an acid and a base. In any given cup of water, there are H2O molecules mixed with H+ and OH- ions. It's also necessary for life as we know it, because it's capable of electron transfer, which is necessary for metabolism.
The reason why life, on this planet, is carbon based is because carbon is a tetrahydon, the only element capable of forming large molecules like proteins. Maybe on another planet silicon will do, but that has yet to be proven.
I find it odd that people believe flying saucers are buzzing the planet. No. 1, the volume of food, water and air required to sustain life would mean the spaceship would have to be the size of the moon. No. 2, if a flying saucer were areodynamically feasable--it has to have some means of propulsion--don't you think the US Air Force would have built one already?
Life exists everywhere life can exist. Just because there's water on some moon doesn't mean life exists there. It could, sure, but absent evidence there is only speculation.
Oh, and these neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light are freaking me out. So much for Einstein and his theory of relativity.
Wow, great comment Gawain's, you know how to make the complex understandable.
I would say that you missed your calling, but I believe you did teach at one time.
Gawains, great points. I want to learn more about Europa and I do think there will be something there, it's very exciting to think about.
Well, except for the fact that I misspelled tetrahedron, I guess I made some good points.
By the way, do you guys know when the first flying saucer was reported? In 1947, but it wasn't really reported. A pilot said he saw a boomerang shaped object (probably a flock of birds) flying eratically like "a saucer skipping across a lake."
The next day there were three inch headlines in the newspaper: AIRMAN SEES FLYING SAUCER. Next thing you know, people all over the world were reporting seeing flying saucers.
Yeah, and in the 1800s they were reporting seeing flying galleys. Something about whaling novels or some such nonsense.
The bottom line is this. We have satellites and radar. If there were flying saucers buzzing the planet, we would know it.
And, yeah, I was a teacher once, in happier days. I taught junior high science, before I became an English teacher. This was back in the day when crop circles were all the rage. Let me tell you something, those junior high kids knew crop circles like elementary kids know dinosaurs.
Every day, if there was a magazine--and I'm talking about reputable scientific journals like Omni, Scientific America, and the like--that had a story about crop circles, those kids brought it to me and said, "Sir, these are messages from outer space!"
This is what we call a teachable moment. Um, if there were flying saucers buzzing the planet, making crop circles, don't you think we would know it?
Then, one morning, I was eating breakfast and watching Good Morning America or some such show. They had these two guys on, best friends, who said they started the whole craze. With some rope and a plank of wood.
One guy would wrap the rope around his waist, then turn around in circles while the other guy flattened wheat with the plank. They would get off work, stop by the pub, drink beer and eat cheese doodles, draw a design on a napkin, then stop by a field on their way home and create a crop circle.
Think about it. These guys are responsible for world-wide hysteria.
"What else do you do after beer and cheese doodles?" one of them asked. The other one said, "These scientists, these are supposed to be educated men. It's just flattened wheat. You go out into a field and you flatten it."
I never laughed harder in my life.
By the way, over the weekend, there were no more stories about crop circles for ten years. But now they're coming back. How stupid do these people think you are? That's what I asked my students.
Gawains, great comment. I would pojt you towards the short story "The Raod Not Taken" by Harry Turtledove.
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