Now I want you all to try your best to get along while I am away. I will return so do not miss me too much. There, there, don't be upset. It is only a week, I shall return!
When and How I was Wrong
Every now and again one of the Anon posters (the same one I think) leaves a comment that has very good long term thinking and a different take on things than me. Here is his comment from last post (slightly edited by the blogger spell check, I didn't change anything but some spelling):
"I have been so wrong on so many things. I admit that. It happens. I guess I figured people could think, but they just believe. Huge difference. Huge."
Happens every time - and oh so predictable. If I have said it once, I've said it 1,000 times.
Of this I have no doubt. The issue however is the "eventually" part of that statement that gets you into trouble.
Your assumption was this is "it"... this is the "big one". This is the one that armchair spectators have expected to see out of the U.S. for the last oh 135 years.
IMO, its incredibly arrogant to assume while all those others and all those other crisis's were wrong, you and your call will be right.
Seldom before have have so many of the world's resources been concentrated into one sovereign. The Roman Empire, the Ancient Greeks, the British Empire, who else?
If history is any guide, large sovereigns flicker out at about 600-1,000 years. We are at 275+ and counting. Thus, given how the others fared, (not to mention the fact that the Brits are still here), we very well could not see the "big one" in our lifetimes.
So, as to when the big "it" happens? I lay even odds it will happen in my lifetime (next 50 years). Ive been told this is quite aggressive, but then again I am a pessimist.
Anyhoo, as much as I really thought this could be the big one, by Nov, 2008 I realized, this wasn't it. Thus, since then, I sat back and cautiously went long. Next window of opportunity for the big one is probably in 2-5 years as this cycle comes to a close. Will it be the big one? Probably not, but I guess we shall see wont we?
Til then, just sit back and try to enjoy life. Others have spent their entire lives watching, waiting for the "big one" they just knew was coming. They are all dead now.
To be fair, I never said this was "The Big One" or the "End of the US World". Actually I have always argued that the collapse that was in full swing would have been very rough, but we would have fought our way out and been much better off long term, and maybe even a bit better as soon as now. Still, that is splitting hairs as most of my commentary does carry that heavy duty "gloom and doom" angle, so I think Anon is about right.
Anon figured things would be ok (in his view) by November 2008. I did not. I recently have swung around to the belief that the greatest scam and the largest government intervention ever may well have brought about a statistical recovery and bought enough time for extend and pretend to have a fair chance at winning out. I am hard to convince!
I do not want to debate the particulars, I am half way out the door to the Bahamas as is, but let me say that while I think things are far worse than what is the mainstream belief, things are also not so bad as to cause any more concern or uproar than we have seen. Things are moving on.
It is this fact that pains me the most. There was a real shot a real change. The status quo now will be maintained because nobody cares enough anymore to do anything about it. That's last years news. This makes me sad.
Vacation Send Off Party
Enough heavy stuff! It is fun time!
Regular reader and contributor over at The Illusion of Prosperity blog Mab stopped by to wish me a good vacation. Thanks Mab! Mab does not stop here often, what's wrong with my blog? Does my blog stink? Anyways this was left in the comments:
Enjoy the vacation. Knock back a few cold ones me!
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|...BEER TRUCK.......| ||'|";, ____.
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Love it! I said:
WOWZA! That is the coolest thing I have ever seen!!!!!!
The Bahamian beer, Kalik, will be under serious supply pressure, I suggest everyone goes LONG the stock, HA!
While beer will be large part of my vacation diet, they also make a drink called "Miami Vice" which is 1/2 pina colada and 1/2 strawberry daiquiri with plenty of coconut rum. All inclusive resort with unlimited booze, that just sounds nice.
Great Photo
I have one book for the vacation reading list: "Hands of Stone" by Christian Giudice. It is a Roberto Duran biography. While trolling the Internet I stumbled upon Marvelous Marvin Hagler's own site and found this great picture there:

This photo is of my two most beloved fighters of all time:
Marvelous Marvin Hagler
Alexis Arguello
Great picture!
Funny Pictures
Visual comedy!
I am sure it is just apple juice....

I should arrange for some flowers for the wife on the 6 year Anniversary:

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Film Trailer
One of my favorite books was originally titled "Bid Time Return" by Richard Matheson. Sometimes when a book is translated into film it can be, well, bad. The film version named "Somewhere in Time" is an excellent adaptation and features Christopher Reeve in his finest screen performance. Check out the trailer and then get the movie!:
I am a sap, so what? Want to go 10 rounds?????
Rock Blogging
The last show for a bit. Enjoy the ride!
The second place finisher for the DNA puzzle was reader TS. TS requested a discussion on human evolution and whether it is happening in recent times. I have put together a few scraps since his request but i just ran out of time to get it together. I aim to deliver when I return.
Leading off the night is the music request of first place finisher Au Soleil Levant who asked for Stevie Nicks and "Edge of Seventeen". Now I have no idea if she knows my (and several readers here) life long love affair with Mrs. Disconnect, I mean Nicks, but this song is easy to play. Plus I found a kick ass live version!:
And yes Soleil, you do ROCK!
Last week Gawains brought the performance of "I Want It All" at a Freddy Mercury tribute concert done with Roger Daltrey and Tony Iommi. It really is special and I had never heard it:
Thanks man!
Loyal reader Lurker wanted the Rocky theme, but that will just make me want to work out and it is my night off! As a back up we have Bachman Turner Overdrive and "Taking Care of Business":
Very good stuff.
I love the singer Jewel (where has she been?) and any time she is live is a good show. Try out "You Were Meant for Me":
Ok, Ok, enough soft side. A little noise to get the ear drums happy!
Ronnie James Dio is a metal god. Here is a live version of "Holy Diver" and I cannot believe the vocals:
In my opinion, Bruce Dickinson is the best metal singer ever, but Dio is a close second.
Not that he stops in here, but if Ilargi of The Automatic Earth stops in I will drive him crazy with Rage Against the Machine and a wild live show of "Vietnow":
Have fun, HA!
Two to go but I do not want to say goodbye!!!! I really do enjoy all the interaction and fun we all have together. Thanks for everything. Now, what to play, what to play......
A good friend of mine was telling me a favorite band of a friend of hers was "Def Lepud". Well who am I to say no? Try out "Bringing on the Heartbreak" by the real Def Leppard:
Last call! Anyone want to mow a lawn for a song request? No? Geez.
As a goodbye song I offer Dokken and "Alone Again Without You" so the readers understand what it's like with no post for over a week, HA!:
Have a good night.